Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification About Tourism: Cambodia Community Tourism & Ecotourism

Cambodia Community Tourism & Ecotourism

Eco-tourism in Cambodia? Community based tourism in Cambodia? Whilst Cambodia is best known for the mighty Angkor Wat temples, beyond these temples the natural beauty of the country is waiting to be discovered. Cambodia offers many opportunities for adventure travel, eco-tourism, and community based tourism such as: trekking in tropical forests; home stays with ethnic highlanders; sighting rare wildlife; water-based adventures on rivers and beaches; cycling along dirt roads through traditional villages, and more…

Cambodia has unique ecosystems and impressive landscapes within the country’s 23 protected areas, from pristine beaches and coral reefs to evergreen and deciduous forests. Its abundant natural resources and rich biodiversity hold huge untapped potential for eco-tourism development. Because of decades of war and isolation Cambodia’s countryside remains largely unexplored by travelers. Eco-tourism and community based tourism in Cambodia are new introductions for the traveler with a sense of adventure.

There are over 60 rare of endangered species of wildlife in Cambodia, many of which are now extinct elsewhere in South East Asia, including: the Asian Elephant; Tiger; Clouded and Common Leopards, Asiatic Black Bear; Asiatic Wild Dog; Eld’s Deer; Irrawaddy Dolphin; Siamese Crocodile; Banteng; Bengal Florican; Douc Langur; Pileated Gibbon; Elongated Tortoise; Freshwater Sawfish; Giant Catfish; Giant Carp; Grey Ox; Javan; and Sumatran Rhinoceros. Cambodia’s seasonally flooded forests also provide an ideal habitat for several highly endangered water birds: the White Shouldered Ibis; Sarus Crane; and the Greater and Lesser Adjutant Storks.

Community and eco-tourism in Cambodia is helping to protect this wildlife as well as the natural environment and local cultures while offering opportunities for much needed employment and sustainable development to poor, often remote, local communities. A much welcomed alternative to the exploitation of the wildlife and local natural resources.

Come to discover the ‘real’ Cambodia, enjoy its wildlife, learn about the different cultures whilst chatting with local villagers, and become a part of the solution by supporting eco-tourism in Cambodia!


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